7.96 ct. Georgia Amethyst - The Gem Trader Rare Gems

7.96 ct. Jackson’s Crossroads Georgia Amethyst

  • Color: Medium Slightly Violetish-Purple

  • Clarity: Eye Clean

  • Origin: Jackson’s Crossroads, Wilkes Co., Georgia

  • Cut: Oval Portuguese

  • Treatments: None

  • Measurements: 13.1 mm

A larger stone from this well-known find in Georgia. Specimens are a priority here so cutting rough is always a secondary concern; that coupled with the typically strong zoning and concentration of the best color just at the point of the crystals makes larger fine stones quite scarce. This one is quite nice - completely clean and well cut with zero windowing. The color is toward the lighter end so the violet and blue flashes are nicely highlighted. A fine US stone and remember, unusual for Amethyst, this is an unheated color.

$20 / carat - $159 total