7.43 ct. Oregon Sunstone - The Gem Trader Rare Gems

7.43 ct. Oregon Sunstone

  • Color: Medium Brownish-Yellow / Schiller

  • Clarity: Eye Clean

  • Origin: Oregon

  • Cut: Pear Brilliant

  • Treatments: None

  • Measurements: 16.4 x 10.4 mm

A large and fine example of a US gem classic. Excellent cutting and the classic yellowish bodycolor frame a beautiful display of copper schiller across the gem. Absolutely unique gem material and, for years, underrated. Aesthetic larger gems like this example are now much harder to source and we are thrilled to offer such a great stone at a now very competitive price for the material. There is simply nothing like the schiller from the copper platelets in these stones.

$35 / carat - $260 total