6.12 ct. Oregon Sunstone by Tom Munsteiner - The Gem Trader Rare Gems

6.12 ct. Oregon Sunstone by Tom Munsteiner

  • Color: Medium Dark Gold / Green

  • Clarity: Slightly Included - Copper Schiller

  • Origin: Oregon

  • Cut: Custom

  • Treatments: None

  • Measurements: 18.1 x 10.3 mm

If you are a site regular, then you know that we are a fan of the works of late gem artist Tom Munsteiner.  The stones that came out of his Idar-Oberstein workshop are sculptural works of gem art that highlight, but do not overshadow the materials that he sourced.  Here we have one of the few US materials that the atelier works with - Oregon Sunstone. Great looking, deceivingly complex design that plays with color along with a superb and dazzling copper schiller. Masterful indeed.

$695 total