4.74 ct. Pakistani Yellow Brucite
Color: Medium Dark Yellow
Clarity: Translucent
Origin: Balochistan, Pakistan
Cut: Custom Shield
Treatments: None
Measurements: 15.7 x 11.5 mm
The find of this intensely colored variety of the mineral Brucite was a surprise and delight to specimen collectors. It had never before been found in Pakistan and never anywhere in such a color. Brucite is rare and extremely soft (around 2 1/2 on the Moh’s scale) so faceted gems are almost always out of the question. Here though, this gorgeous color proved too enticing to resist, so why no give it a try? From a damaged but fantastically colored piece of rough comes this impressive stone. Very large and with an extremely respectable polish for such a soft mineral, this stone is one for the advanced collector. The specimens form not as single crystals but more as botryoidal mounds, so they are not fully transparent as such. Still, with no distracting inclusions and a fine, even color this is surely one of the best examples of this rarely cut gem.