4.49 ct. Canadian Villiaumite - The Gem Trader Rare Gems

4.49 ct. Canadian Villiaumite

  • Color: Dark Red

  • Clarity: Eye Clean

  • Origin: Mont-Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada

  • Cut: Custom Cushion

  • Treatments: None

  • Measurements: 10.3 x 8.8 mm

One of the rarest and most esoteric of gem materials, Villiaumite can be quite beautiful despite its fragile nature. Stones are almost always from either Russia or Namibia, this is the first time that we have been able to offer a fine Canadian example. And what a stone! Great size and color, completely clean and magnificent custom cut. With a hardness of just 2 1/2, Villiaumite is difficult to get a decent polish, so the job here is nothing short of amazing. That before we even mention that it is partially water soluble as well! Superb size and nice brilliance as well.

$200 / carat - $898 total