3.77 ct. Jeremejevite - The Gem Trader Rare Gems

3.77 ct. Jeremejevite

  • Color: Colorless

  • Clarity: Eye Clean

  • Origin: Madagascar

  • Cut: Pear Brilliant

  • Treatments: None

  • Measurements: 15.3 x 7.7 mm

Somewhat less well known than their blue cousins, the colorless Jeremejevites that are occasioanlly found in Madagascar are certainly notable for both their excellent clarity and potential size. It has been a few years since we have had a fine 3+ carat gem and the present example would be difficult to top. Exceptional cutting, completely eye clean (there is a thin needle under 10x - the classic inclusion for these) and a very impressive size. Starkly colorless this one is bright and brilliant - rare!  

$675 / carat - $2544 total