2.50 ct. Cat’s Eye Garnet
Color: Dark Very Slightly Brownish-Red
Clarity: Semi-Transparent
Origin: Okampitiya, Sri Lanka
Cut: Oval Cabochon
Treatments: None
Measurements: 7.5 x 6.6 mm
The most successful example of a fine cat’s eye Garnet that we have been able to source. Stones are often highly included or so dark as to be quite unattractive. Not the case here as you have a sharp and mobile eye against a deep red bodycolor with a surprising level of transparency; a gorgeous and unusual combination. Like most of these, there is evidence that this stone has been cut from a star stone - it is possible to elucidate a ‘ray’ along the girdle with very strong light. That said, don’t let that detract in anyway as, quite frankly, you would never know it. The strength of the eye is many orders above that of a secondary ray and is orientated perfectly to roll across the surface of the stone. Great care has been taken to cut this one just right. A simply great example and quite rare as such.