1.91 ct. Malagasy Yellow Scapolite with Diopside
Color: Medium Dark Slightly Greenish-Yellow
Clarity: Heavily Included
Origin: Amboasary, Madagascar
Cut: Oval Mixed
Treatments: None
Measurements: 8.8 x 7.3 mm
Inclusion gems have become extremely popular in recent years - indeed, there is a whole cadre of collectors who focus solely on interesting inclusion pieces. This example is from a small and unusual find from several years ago in Madagascar. Quartz and Topaz are perhaps the most prolific gem hosts to inclusions, one that we only rarely see is Scapolite. From the Amboasary region of Madagascar comes this faceted lemon yellow Scapolite with a network of distinctly green needles of Diopside. A highly unusual combination, both in terms of minerals and color - the bright yellow and deep green make for a dramatic contrast.
This was an extremely limited occurrence and there has been no more found since. This material was profiled in the Fall 2008 issue of GIA's Gems and Gemology; the find was so limited that only one faceted example was provided to GIA for study. A very fine example and certainly among the rarest of inclusion gem materials.