0.65 ct. Russian Demantoid - The Gem Trader Rare Gems

0.65 ct. Russian Demantoid with Horsetail

  • Color: Medium Dark Yellowish-Green

  • Clarity: Slightly Included

  • Origin: Russia

  • Cut: Round Brilliant

  • Treatments: Potential Heat

  • Measurements: 5.2 mm

The classic example of a 'good' inclusion in a gem; the essential Byssolite 'horsetail' inclusion.  This particularly nice-looking example features a wonderful spray of these just under and ascending across the table of the gem.  Centered so well, they allow the visible dispersion of the stone to surround them on all sides - a very pleasing overall aesthetic.  Fine useable size and a superb, completely precision cutting job.  These are now quite scarce again in the market.

$495 total