0.63 ct. Sri Lankan Color Change Garnet
Color: Dark Purple / Bluish-Green
Clarity: Slightly Included
Origin: near Kolonne, Sri Lanka
Cut: Oval Brilliant
Treatments: None
Measurements: 5.6 x 4.7 mm
Occasionally we see this outstanding color changers from Sri Lanka - they tend never to be very large but they have one of the most unquantifiable color behaviors we have ever seen. Incandescent is easy to describe, it is absolute purple. Extremely cool daylight produces a green that anyone who has tried to photograph these knows is tough to capture on a camera; we gave up. Color temperatures in between these two result in an odd desaturated bluish-purple. Indeed, in some lights these are some of the bluest Garnets around. This one is nice - relatively large and clean for these (a thin veil is visible) it is well cut and changes fully. Rare!