0.28 ct. Burmese Hibonite
Color: Medium Dark Brown
Clarity: Eye Clean
Origin: Burma
Cut: Cushion Mixed
Treatments: None
Measurements: 3.8 x 3 mm
As a mineral Hibonite is know from various locales (Malagasy specimens are black and opaque!), but no one seems to have expected the occurrence of gem crystals of this species. These are found in Mogok, but there has an exceptionally small amount of higher quality material found. This outstanding find was written up in GIA's Gems & Gemology in early 2012. We have seen precious few of these in the years since.
The color is an attractive medium brown and the stone is remarkably clean for this species. Considering the rarity, it is a very impressive stone in terms of size and appearance. A laboratory certificate from GIT accompanies piece.